The Circadian Rhythm

Circadian what? I’m so glad you asked!

If you are anything like me, then you probably like to understand more than just the ‘how’s’ and the ‘why's' of sleep training, so I will take a minute to briefly explain the circadian rhythm, an amazing mechanism that our bodies have that regulate our sleep patterns and directly affects how and when we sleep. Learning how this mechanism works will give you a better understanding of sleep overall and how sleep training comes into play. 

Here is a rundown… 

The circadian rhythm is a natural 24 hour cycle that is part of the body’s internal clock (the biological clock) which helps regulate the sleep/wake cycle. This is only one of the amazing cycles in the body that the circadian rhythm affects.

When the circadian rhythm is not regulated, it can create significant sleep issues and disturbances such as night-wakings, short naps, early-morning-wakings, irregular sleep patterns, babies who sleep all day and are up all night and more!

The circadian rhythm is directly affected by environmental factors such as exposure to natural sunlight, and this is the BEST way to regulate the sleep/wake cycle. When exposed to sunlight, the internal clock signals the body to produce cortisol, the hormone that makes us awake and alert, whereas at nighttime, the clock initiates the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes us sleepy. 

Here are some of the most effective ways to regulate the circadian rhythm…

  • Make sure your little one gets plenty of physical activity throughout the day to ensure they are exerting enough energy in order to promote quality sleep for naps and nighttime. Have your newborn do lots of tummy time-even outside on a blanket, if the weather permits. (I love this one!). Go for walks around the neighborhood and try to plan more outdoor activities.

  • Avoid artificial lighting before bedtime, as this can stimulate cortisol and overstimulate your child when you are trying to wind down - the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish at bedtime!

  • Creating a routine helps get the body into a predictable rhythm - another great way to regulate the sleep/wake cycle. This not only  includes following appropriate wake windows and encouraging physical activity, but also ensuring proper feedings throughout the day. Remember, an ‘eat, awake, sleep’ routine is the kind of routine you want to establish to help organize your baby’s days and nights.

  • Capping daytime sleep is a crucial part in regulating the circadian rhythm. You want to make sure your baby isn’t oversleeping! When you allow babies to sleep excessively throughout the day they are essentially swapping out nighttime sleep for daytime sleep. You don’t want them meeting all of their sleep requirements during the day unless you want to have a night owl on your hands! Try keeping a consistent wake and bedtime routine and cap their naps if you have to to prevent oversleeping.

  • Reversing day and night confusion is also another benefit of regulating the circadian rhythm. In case you don’t know what day and night confusion is; This is when newborns come home from the hospital and are often sleeping all day and up all night leaving us wondering WHY??? Their days and nights are literally mixed up! Well, don’t fret! This is normal since newborns are not born with any organized sleep patterns and do not yet have regular melatonin output. While melatonin secretion becomes more prominent over the first few months of a baby’s life, we can start encouraging longer stretches of sleep and reversing that day and night confusion within the first few days after birth. 

If you have questions and concerns about your baby’s sleep, feel free to send me a message or click here to book a free discovery call so that I can answer all of your questions.


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