Hi there,
I’m Sarah!

I’m a certified pediatric sleep consultant and newborn care specialist.


I’m passionate about all things sleep. I’m a mom of four (three boys and a girl) and I have been where you are—sleepless, totally exhausted and desperate.

When my first son was born I was in for a BIG surprise. I had no idea what kind of sleep he needed, what a routine looked like or how to even get him to sleep. My husband and I spent countless hours and even months rocking, shushing and patting him to sleep and we thought this was normal.

We thought it was normal to be chronically exhausted and wake up several times a night to rock our baby back to sleep just to do it all over again 15 minutes later.

We reluctantly accepted this new reality.

I reached a point where I found myself in a perpetual state of exhaustion. I could not think straight, nor could I enjoy motherhood or my baby the way I had always dreamed of. Like myself, maybe you’ve been told that it’s just a phase and it will pass or it’s normal for your baby to wake up at all hours of the night.

Through sleep deprived eyes something finally clicked and I realized this reality was far from “normal” and that certainly I must be missing something.

That’s when my research started.

Over the years I’ve read book after book about infant / child sleep and accumulated a wealth of knowledge and tools that I implemented with my own babies and diverse number of clients to date.

I eagerly applied everything I learned to my first son, who was 4 months old at the time, and within a few days we had him sleeping 12 hours a night! I knew this was a turning point and have since made it my mission to help families achieve what I had once thought to be impossible.

Over the years I have helped loving and forlorn families get their little ones to sleep and I am so excited to share this gift with you, too.

Every problem has a solution


I cannot wait to get you and your loved ones get back the sleep you all need and deserve!


Whether you have a new baby and would like to learn the newborn fundamentals and acquire tools for creating good sleep habits, a baby who won’t sleep out of your arms, or a toddler climbing out of the crib, there is a solution for everyone.

Chronic exhaustion and functioning in survival mode do NOT have to be requirements for motherhood, nor does this precious time have to go by in a fog because you didn’t get the sleep you needed.

That’s why I am here, to help shift the paradigm so you and your child can unlearn old sleep habits and build new, healthy ones.

I have an insatiable passion for sleep coaching and newborn care. I’m on a never-ending quest of knowledge and additional training so I can provide my clients with the best, personally tailored, and evidence-based sleep advice.


my credentials

I’ve raised four children over the course of eight years and have consulted for countless families with great success stories during this time.

My curiosity, zest for learning, and a deep sense of responsibility for comprehensiveness has undoubtedly helped me hone my craft. My experience, backed with focused training and areas of expertise are in pediatric sleep and newborn care.

I have conducted extensive training and received certification under the Association for Pediatric Sleep Consultants and the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, with additional training under the Sleeping Newborn’s Newborn Care Specialist and Mentorship Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I often get asked about my views regarding crying, or ‘the cry it out method’. Do I use ‘CIO’ in my sleep training methods? My response is as such.

    I do not believe that an infant or young baby should be left alone by themselves for extended periods of time without being comforted or checked on. A parent should offer comfort when they feel their child needs it and these methods are designed to support you and your baby every step of the way throughout the process.

    That being said, I would like to point out that implementing any sleep training method will not be 100% void of tears, that is not realistic or even possible. As with any big change and new learned skill, babies need to learn the ropes and reverse old habits, which we all know can be a challenge for anyone. With those changes comes lots of practice, frustration, resistance and even tears.

    This crying is a baby’s way of protesting the change and tears are inevitable in whichever method you choose to implement.

    But take heart, you are not required nor are you encouraged to leave your child alone to cry in order to yield success.

    The methods I provide are customized to fit your family’s needs and are gentle and effective. I create plans suited for your baby’s specific age and temperament and I aim to do this with as little tears as possible.

  • There is no evidence that shows that sleep training your baby, accompanied with parental support, loving care and reassurance, has any harmful or negative long term side effects.

    Rested babies are happy babies and the opposite is also true. Research suggests that a well-rested baby is going to be more alert, attentive, happy, playful, etc…there’s certainly no harm in that!

  • The term ‘sleep training’ refers to various methods that are used to teach your baby or child how to fall asleep unassisted. These formal methods are generally used for babies 4 months and up. Not only will sleep training help your baby fall asleep independently, but it will also help your baby stay asleep and go back to sleep on their own if they wake in the middle of the night.

    For babies under 4 months you will not be using traditional sleep training methods, rather, you will use what is called ‘sleep shaping and conditioning’ to help your little one learn to fall asleep on their own. It simply means setting up your baby with the right tools and fundamentals to teach independent sleep. You can begin this process from day one and I highly recommend it as it will set the stage for long-term successful sleep for your infant and in turn your entire family.

  • By 3 months of age, most healthy babies are capable of sleeping an 11/12 hour night. Depending on their growth and health some still may require feedings at night until a later age and this is totally normal and acceptable. Always check with your pediatrician if you aren’t sure whether your baby is ready to drop his/her nighttime feedings.

  • Our sleep plans are designed to help ages 0 to 5 years old. We address an array of sleep issues including but not limited to…

    • Breastfed and bottle fed babies

    • Rocking, shushing, feeding, pacifying, bouncing to sleep…

    • Multiples

    • Sleep regressions and setbacks

    • Co-sleeping or room-sharing families

    • Traveling and jet lag

    • Babies in daycare

    • Teething and irritability

    • Toddlers climbing out of the crib

    • Siblings who share a room

    And much more!

    Regardless of what sleep issues your baby or child is dealing with, we will discuss different methods and options to help get you and your little one sleeping. We understand that each situation presents its own unique challenges and are committed to creating sleep plans that fit the specific needs of your family.

  • Due to the amount of time, effort, and commitment provided within a consultation, all transactions are nonrefundable and all payments are due before or on the day of service.